Tuesday, 24 February 2009

JBoss Cache 3.0.3.GA released

Based on the CR I released 2 weeks back, I have just released 3.0.3.GA. I recommend that everyone who is on JBoss Cache 2.x and 3.x move to this release, it is the fastest, most stable release to date. This incremental release on 3.x contains the following bugfixes and feature requests:

  • [ JBCACHE-1470 ] Option to disable cache event generation for a cache operation.
  • [ JBCACHE-1468 ] JBoss Cache ignores transactions with STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK and auto commits data changes
  • [ JBCACHE-1469 ] DummyBaseTransactionManager behaves incorrectly with Status.STATUS_MARKED_ROLLBACK
  • [ JBCACHE-1473 ] Memory leak: Cache Regions lose capacity, evictCommand.perform() causes dead entries in EvictionQueue
  • [ JBCACHE-1474 ] Removing nonexistent key in UnversionedNode causes data loss
  • [ JBCACHE-1477 ] Bug in JDBC cache loader SQL on Informix
  • [ JBCACHE-1478 ] Handle querying node count in an unstarted DataContainer
  • [ JBCACHE-1479 ] Loads nodes from cache loader too aggresively
  • [ JBCACHE-1480 ] getChildrenNames() returns deleted nodes
  • [ JBCACHE-1481 ] Re-adding a node deleted via parent inside transaction breaks the parent
  • [ JBCACHE-1471 ] Slow cache.get for fqn with a large number of key/value entries.
Thanks to Krzysztof Sobolewski, Roberto Tyley, Eduardo Martins, Galder ZamarreƱo and Alex Kluge for useful bug reports, tests and patches.

Downloads and documentation are in the usual place, please use the user forums to discuss this release.


Friday, 13 February 2009

What to expect in JBoss Cache

So we're about to cut JBoss Cache 3.1.0 "Cascabel" - and the main feature here is the high-performance non-blocking state transfer (NBST) scheme we've been planning for a while now, held back due to the lack of non-blocking reads in the past. Thanks to MVCC, we now have non-blocking reads, and thanks to Jason Greene, an impressive non-blocking state transfer implementation. Expect a beta of Cascabel to be made available in the coming days/weeks, along with a detailed write-up of NBST.

But in the meantime, I've just cut JBoss Cache 3.0.3.CR1. This CR fixes a number of bugs - some critical - on Naga, and I strongly recommend anyone using Naga to download and test out 3.0.3.CR1. I expect this to be a very short CR cycle so please test heavily and provide as much feedback as you can, I expect a 3.0.3.GA to be released very soon.

You can download the CR in the usual place on SourceForge, or grab it from our Maven2 repository.


Tuesday, 10 February 2009

JBoss Cache in load testing

I'm always keen to know how the community uses JBoss Cache. I was recently pointed to an excellent article by Frederik Johansson who uses JBoss Cache to build a load test harness to simulate tens of thousands of players in high capacity multiplayer online gaming systems.

Check out his wonderfully detailed yet accessible article on his blog.

If anyone else has success stories they would like to share, I'd love to hear them.
